

发布日间:2015-05-26   浏览次数:359


报告题目:Phthalate Contamination in Cooking Oil and the Indoor Environment Dust (邻苯二甲酯在食用油和室内尘土中的污染)



报 告 人:美国特拉华州立大学  王琪全 教授

报告内容简介: Phthalates are o-phthalic acid esters, which are widely used as plasticizers in plastic materials and solvents in some cosmetic products. Due to adverse effects on human health, the occurrence of phthalates in food and the indoor environment has gained increasingly attention. In this study, 21 cooking oil samples and 44 floor dust samples from different indoor environments in Delaware, USA were collected and analyzed for 14 phthalates using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. All oil samples were found to contain detectable phthalates and tThe content of total plasticizers in oil samples was determined to be 210~7558 μg/kg. Phthalates were detected in all dust samples with the total concentration ranging from 84 to 7117 mg kg-1. DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate), BzBP (benzylbutyl phthalate), DBP (dibutyl phthalate), and DiBP (di-isobutyl phthalate) were both the most frequently and abundantly detected phthalates. The average concentration of total phthalates in dust from offices, student dorms, gyms, stores, and daycare centers was found to be significantly or insignificantly (p = 0.05) higher than that in dust from houses and apartments.




报告题目:Sources, Toxicity, and Contamination of Bisphenols in Food and the Environment (双酚类化合物的来源、毒性及其在食品和环境中的污染)

报告时间:2015年5月27日(周三) 16:00


报 告 人:美国特拉华州立大学  王琪全 教授

报告内容简介:Bisphenol A and its alternatives are used as monomers for the synthesis of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resin. With the wide application of these polymer materials, bisphenols have become ubiquitous in the environment, thus raised great concerns on human health. In this talk, the sources and toxicity of bisphenol A and its alternatives were introduced. The presence of bisphenols in various food samples and the indoor environment dust from different countries was summarized, compared, and assessed. Canned food was found to contained higher bisphenol A and total bispehnols than that in other types of packaging. Bispehnol A, S, and F were found to be the dominating bisphenols in dust samples.  Remaining questions and challenges in bisphenol environmental research were also discussed.




王琪全博士,现任美国特拉化华州立大学(Delaware State University, USA)化学系终身教授,博士生导师,化学系研究生委员会主任,2012年6月受聘为合肥工业大学“黄山学者”(非全职岗)。主要从事环境有机污染物的检测、环境行为、和污染治理的研究和教学,累计发表论文50余篇,系The Scientific World Journal和 Journal of Environmental Monitoring & Restoration杂志编委。他于1986年进入浙江大学(原)化学系学习,于1991、1994、和2000年相继获得浙江大学化学学士、环境化学硕士、环境科学博士学位。他于1999-2000年赴美国农业部碱土实验室(US Salinity Laboratory)接受联合培养,其博士论文(题目:酰胺类除草剂的环境行为研究,导师:刘维屏)被评为2002年度全国 百篇优秀博士论文。因康乃尔大学(Cornell University) Ann T. Lemley 教授的邀请,王琪全博士于2000-2004年在康乃尔大学从事农药污水处理博士后研究,因其在阳极Fenton水处理研究方面的突出贡献,深得同行赏识和推荐,于2002年被授予美国化学会农业化学品专业委员会青年科学家奖。