
Gary S. Sayler 教授学术报告会

发布日间:2014-10-23   浏览次数:981

报告题目:Methane, microbes and the environment

报 告 人:美国田纳西大学环境生物技术中心Gary S. Sayler教授

时    间:2014年10月25日(星期六)下午14:30

地    点:纬地楼515室


  Gary S. Sayler,美国田纳西大学Beaman杰出教授,环境生物技术领域著名科学家,现任田纳西大学环境生物技术研究中心主任、田纳西大学和美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室联合生物科学研究所所长、环境领域顶级学术刊物《Environmental Science & Technology》副主编。曾任美国国家环境保护局(EPA)科学咨询委员会主任、现任能源部和国防部等多个美国国家科学咨询委员会委员。Gary Sayler教授培养了50多名博士,发表了350多篇学术论文,引用达14000次以上,发明了16项环境分子诊断方面的专利技术。Gary S. Sayler教授迄今为止已被邀请在美国和国际上做了超过500次学术报告。主要从事环境生物技术研究与开发、可再生生物能源生产、污染修复、以及微生物分子生态学研究。


Gary S. Sayler, founding director of the UT Center for Environmental Biotechnology, is a Beaman Distinguished Professor of Microbiology, Adjunct Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and director of the UT-ORNL Joint Institute for Biological Sciences. Dr. Sayler has over 35 years of experience in multidisciplinary laboratory and field environmental research and biodegradation of organic pollutants such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and trichloroethylene (TCE). Over the past 25 years, he has pioneered the development of environmental molecular diagnostics leading to 16 patents, including the extraction and analysis of nucleic acids from soils, environmental gene probe analysis, bioluminescent bioreporter technology, and the first field release of a genetically-engineered microorganism for remediation purposes. This research has resulted in over 350 technical publications and monographs and over 500 invited presentations at the national and international level. He is a member of five professional societies and currently serves on five editorial boards. He is past Chairman of EPA/ORD Board of Scientific Counselors and currently serves on the SERDP Advisory Board and D and DOE’s BERAC.

